Jyn erso battlefront 2
Jyn erso battlefront 2

A good way to take advantage of all its configurations is to hang out in close-range areas that are close to windows and doorways, giving line of sight to long-ranged areas.

  • The A180 is a great all-around weapon.
  • It also is capable of setting off Proximity Bombs and other mines, but it is more efficient to use the A180's standard pistol mode.
  • Ion mode is useful for taking out well-placed turrets and droids, but don't be afraid to fire at an AT-ST or even an AT-AT.
  • It is good to activate when pinned behind cover or in some sort of sniper perch.
  • Sniper mode gives huge range improvement and a one hit kill for enemies further than ten meters without the Bodyguard trait.
  • A good time to activate this mode is when the player is pinned behind cover or when they are about to enter an open area. This means it is great to use at medium-to-long range.
  • Rifle mode has improved range and rate of fire, along with a lower damage drop-off.
  • This pistol is more than capable of quickly dispatching an enemy, especially if the player is apt in pulling the pistol's trigger.
  • Pistol mode is the standard mode for the A180, but never think this makes it weak.
  • This mode can be activated using the right star card activation button.

    jyn erso battlefront 2

    The A180's Ion mode does very high damage to droids, turrets, and vehicles while doing minimal damage to enemy soldiers. This mode acts much like the secondary fire of the TL-50 Heavy Repeater, though the projectile drop-off begins much sooner. It can be activated using the left star card activation button. Take note that only one shot can be fired before a cooldown is required, similar to the DLT-19X. This mode gives the A180 the range of a sniper and a guaranteed one-shot-kill for enemies further than ten meters. This weapon is best used at medium range and can be activated by using the charge card activation button. This mode temporarily gives the A180 improved range, damage, and a fire rate similar to the A280C Blaster Rifle.

    jyn erso battlefront 2

    The other three configurations occupy the player's three Star Card slots. The blaster will start in the pistol configuration. The A180 can be transformed into four different blaster configurations: pistol, rifle, sniper, and ion mode. Players can unlock the A180 by completing a Hutt Contract called Jyn's Solution, which can be purchased at Level 12 for 3,500 in-game credits. This blaster is Jyn Erso's primary weapon.

    Jyn erso battlefront 2